
Showing posts from October, 2020

Loneliness is the Mother of all Ailments in the movie “I am a Legend”

By: Abira Jeoffrey Photo: Abira Jeoffrey/ “I am a Legend” Stage 1: Denial The main character in the movie “I am a legend” is Will Smith who goes through several phases of loneliness. The first phase of loneliness is denial which Will Smith had gone through this phase as he adopted strategies to overcome this phase of loneliness. In order for him to survive in this lonely world, he had to first accept that human beings are social animals and if they are alone for a long period of time, they will feel sick so he had to accept that he was lonely in this world.       Photo: Abira Jeoffrey/ “I am a Legend”           Photo: Abira Jeoffrey/ “I am a Legend”   One of the strategies was talking to his dog-like his kids as he missed them. Another strategy adopted by him was when Will Smith uses to talk to the human dummy. He thought of the human dummy as an actual person in order to form a social bond and keep his sanity intact. Will Smith knew that if he failed to adopt these strategies then it

A Scientific Approach to Health

By:  Hiba Tanvir A Scientific Approach to Health "Learn what public health experts have to say about the benefits of adopting a new healthy lifestyle"   With the rising accounts of health problems and illnesses, fitness experts are concerned about the new generation. Although new technology and mass awareness campaigns have encouraged people to change their lifestyle, it is still not enough. To reduce the number of diseases in the world, numerous health specialists have proposed four important keys to help people understand a healthy lifestyle with greater depth.     1. Nutrition             source from media by Wix Let's start with our dietary choices- the varieties and quantities of food we consume. They are a crucial determinant of human health. Why? Because inadequate dietary conditions have led to none of the top 15  risk factors for global morbidity (Forouzanfar et al., 2013). Nearly 40% of global mortality is associated with diseases induced by poor food quality, i