
Showing posts from December, 2020

How similar is the risk assessment and risk (miscommunication) in the movie Contagion to the current pandemic?

Soha Ahmed  Going through this current pandemic reminds you about the chaos in the movie contagion. What we noticed in the movie was the involvement of CDC carrying out risk assessment professionally throughout the movie and the same questions are thought about the realisticness of every procedure. Risk assessment and communication are the main things when you’re dealing with a deadly virus and don’t want to panic the people but at the same time protect them efficiently and quickly overcoming the risks and coming up with loads of research so that a vaccine is developed asap. We will discuss how close is the CDC to carrying out such roles in real life and is it that easy to have control in situations like these? RISK ASSESSMENT: It is the term used when you’re identifying hazards and health risks associated with something which is very vital during an outbreak to protect millions of people. This also requires tracking people who are infe

Could 'The Happening' actually happen?

By Mohammad Hamdani  Writer/director M. Night Shyamalan, famous for his science-fiction films, bases his eco-disaster movie, the Happening, on the idea that plants have collectively launched an anti-pollution counteroffensive attack against humankind by releasing airborne toxins that rewire the human brain. Oh, did I forget? SPOILERS INCLUDED. So what happens? In the movie, we see that the plants release neurotoxins that trigger a reverse-survival instinct by prompting people to kill themselves. The Happening references a variety of scientific phenomena, including so-called  red tide syndrome , which implies that marine plant life in recent years has begun releasing toxins in response to changing environmental conditions.     People jumping off a building due to toxins Through out the course of  The Happening , the 'plants' or vegetation gets angry at the mere presence of humans: First, it's the city parks attacking the urban masses, then the prairie fields going after coun

Ethics of Self-Experimentation

The Dilemma of Self-Experimentation by Behjet Ansari Although the term self experimentation is pretty self explanatory, I'm going to provide a definition first just so we're all on the same page. Self-experimentation refers to the special case of single subject research in which the experimenter conducts the experiment on himself or herself. Usually this means that a single person is the operator, subject, analyst, and reporter of the experiment.  Source: There have been scientists in real life who have actually experimented on themselves and won Nobel prizes for their contributions to science, while some others did not live to tell the tale.  So of course there had to be movies made where scientists were shown experimenting on themselves. We have seen scientists who conduct self-tests for crazy reasons in some movies, while in others, there are scientists who self experiment fo

Progress in resurrection biology - Is Jurassic world possible? Filza Fawad

Image Whether old or new, it remains as a well-recognised symbol in pop-culture today. Old or new, who isn’t familiar with this icon? If you aren’t, then I apologies on your behalf. For many, it is symbolic of a series that they have grown up with and have nostalgia for. But keeping personal emotions aside, is there any truth to such a premise of resurrecting an extinct species? To respond with a cliché, the answer may just surprise you. If humans can think it, science will immediately follow suit. Whether that is to explore, validate or critique the concept’s implementation in the real world. Reviving an extinct species, whether carnivorous dinosaur or a simple pigeon, is actually called “de-extinction.” Also called resurrection biology, the name is pretty self-explanatory (bring them back to life, in case if you didn’t get the memo). The research carried out in this regard has identified a few