
Showing posts from December, 2021

Infection vs Immunity

  The everyday Battle of the Immune system Can’t think of a more relevant topic for the times of now. Enter, the pandemic; as Coronavirus has spread to every corner of the world, the topics of infection and immunity are as popular as can be. With people arguing whether a vaccine is the cure or if it’s the disease and the true cure is Garlic extract. The conception of viruses is still mostly a mystery, there are multiple theories on the conception of viruses however, the two interesting ones are that viruses arose from genetic elements that gained the ability to move between cells and that viruses are remnants of cellular organisms . Viruses aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and humans have to bear with these cell-less and deadly pests. Though, they aren’t all bad as you can argue they serve as nature’s metal solution to the increasing population problem and humans have also found ways to manipulate them to be used as pesticides and the like. Regardless, they are a reality that we

Is outer space patriarchal?

By: Shaheera Sami  It’s been 60 years since humans made their maiden journey into space and have been exploring it since. To date, more than 600 human beings from around the world have been to space, landed on the moon and lived on ISS (international space station) but not to anyone’s surprise only 70 of these were women. In this time of the 21st century when landing on mars and starting a colony there is not a topic of surprise to anyone this fact might surprise you that no woman has yet walked on the moon. The first all-female spacewalk took place in just 2019! And it is too late for women to still be in the category of “firsts”. In this blog, we will see if the space itself is not fit for female bodies or is it us who have made it seem that way.   Effects of space on female bodies                                                                                                                                              Credits: NASA/NSBRI  Although some factors differ for every in

What are the mysterious rays from the space?

  What are Cosmic Rays and what can they do? Space is a mysterious place full of threats that we can’t even see. Earth protects us from all of these harmful threats, its atmosphere prevents any harmful rays from getting to us and even regulates the climate. However, what about other planets where there are no such things providing a safe guard. What about mars? Mars is a scary place: (Mars- The Martian) Mars, sometimes also referred to as ‘the red planet’ can be a dangerous place for humans. Constant threats can endanger one’s life. There can be constant threats from the sky or from the surface of the planet. The Martian directed by Ridley Scott, does an incredible job in showcasing a planet that is both mesmerizing but also deadly and unforgiving. The Martian: The Martian stars Matt Damon as Mark Watney, an astronaut and a botanist. Mark gets stranded on the planet Mars and gets separated from his crew due to a dust storm. Now Mark Must survive on a planet alone until the crew gets ba

Lorax - Plastic plants and bottled air

Lorax, the movie which revolved around a city  called  Thneed-Ville ,  which was made up of plastic entirely.  The roads, trees, plants,  and even the grass was made up of plastic.  The people living inside that town were oblivious to the fact that all the vegetation and greenery they had was no t natural but  rather artificial .   The main character of the movie was a little boy named Ted. He was in search of a “Real Tree ,”   not an arti ficial one , that he wanted to give to a girl that he really liked. Finding a real/natural tree in t he city of Thneed-Ville, was almost impossible. The city had been robbed  off of  its natural vegetation, and it was completely re lying upon technology and primarily batteries. Due to this lack of natural vegetation, and large reliance on  fossil fuels, Thneed-Ville had  bad quality  air, which  wasn’t  at all fresh. This is where the primary antagonist of  the movie comes in, Aloysius O'Hare.  O’Hare was the major of the city and he also had a c