
Showing posts from December, 2022

Is It Possible For living Organisms To Undergo A Sex Transition In A Natural Way?

  Imagine that it's a lovely morning, and after you've gotten some good sleep the night before, you get up feeling joyful and revitalized. Then, all of a sudden, you come to the realization that the gender you identified with in the past no longer applies to you. What emotions would that bring up for you? Peculiar right?               The good news is that an occurrence like this will never take place due to our lack of susceptibility. It is not customary for humans as a species or for any of the other animals, birds, or insects to go through a sex change during a particular life span; but, it is very normal for certain species that inhabit on our very own Earth. The phenomenon is called Sequential Hermaphroditism which allows certain species to change their sex during its life span. The majority of organisms that are able to accomplish this are marine in nature, this is because marine environments are more conducive to the development of these abilities. But the question of “

Effects of De-extinction on Environment

  WHAT IS DE-EXTINCTION The process of resurrecting extinct species, whether through cloning or any other scientific method, is referred to as "de-extinction." Breakthroughs in technology and genetic engineering have made it possible for scientists to extract DNA from preserved specimens of extinct animals and then utilise that DNA with the help of a mother genetically close to the extinct species, to generate a de-extinct version of those extinct species. This technique has been made possible as a result of these advances. Although there have been some instances in which de-extinction has been effective, such as with the resuscitation of the Pyrenean ibex , the subject is still very contentious and difficult to understand in its entirety. The ethical and practical repercussions of de-extinction, as well as the ramifications of using this technology, should be thoroughly studied, according to those who oppose its use. CAN DINOSAURS COME BACK? Hold

Are Human/Animal Hybrids Possible?

  ARE HUMAN/ANIMAL HYBRIDS POSSIBLE? Are Hybrids of humans possible? Where are werewolves found? Woah, a big foot was spotted in Texas Yesterday!!! Source: Imagining werewolves, bigfoots, hybrid humans, animals with parents from different species, and being curious about the everlasting myths on the internet is common for today's generation and especially for those who do not indulge in the science but get fantasized by graphics, illusions, and exaggerations. Well, do not worry, we have got you covered! This blog aims to debunk all the myths related to human and animal hybrids by explaining the science behind it and referring to Splice, a good watch to relate to the science of combining Human and Animal DNA. Let's get going then! So first things first, can humans and animals interbreed? The answer is No. Can we have different hybrids having human genes and DNA? Well, that can happen. Let's dive deep. Fertilization of Egg A human sperm's way to a chimp&#

Setting Foot On Mars

By: Muhammad Saad Stranded, Mark Watney explores the Martian surface. Credits - The Martian (2015) In the movie "The Martian", we see a fictional depiction of the first manned mission to Mars. While this may still be a distant dream, the film serves as a reminder of the incredible progress we have made in sending spacecraft and rovers to explore the Red Planet. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the real-life rovers and spacecraft sent to Mars and the exciting projects currently in development. From the Viking missions in the 1970s to the Mars 2020 mission, we have come a long way in our quest to understand the mysteries of the Red Planet. The Early Missions In the early days of space exploration, a number of missions were sent to Mars to explore the planet and gather data about its surface and atmosphere. These missions typically involved sending spacecraft to Mars equipped with a variety of instruments and sensors, such as cameras, spectrometers , and weather senso

Colonising Mars

  James Stephens a famous poet is credited with saying "Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will". This is something we have proved time and time again, our scientific curiosity has oftentimes overcome rationality and has led people to take risks, to do things they wouldn't or well shouldn't, take Jonas Salk who tested the polio vaccine not only on himself but on his children as well , this behavior is shown in another Matt Damon movie as well, Contagion. Nevertheless, the point is our scientific curiosity, our need for discovery is primal we NEED to know, it's like a compulsion we can not ignore, we built ships so that we explore the oceans, at the time we didn't even know if there was anything but water around us and the sea is a scary place to explore, thundering waves that could tear these ships apart if that wasn't enough, there were rumored deep sea "monsters" and not to mention since the belief was the earth was flat it was