Osmosis Jones & Opportunistic Infections

By: Aaron Lucas Soares The Red Death: Bigger and Badder than Ebola? Remember the Ebola virus? That viral disease that broke out in Western Africa back in 2013? Still don't remember? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't. The Coronavirus virus pandemic has become the talk of the century, overshadowing Ebola. But are these the only infections we should be worried about? The movie, 'Osmosis Jones', gives us a glimpse of how deadly any infection can be if given the opportunity - even worse than Ebola! Now I don't want to scare you, but rather educate you. Many of these diseases can be avoided by simply taking care of yourself and leading a healthy lifestyle. In the movie, Frank (played by Bill Murray), contracts a disease named Thrax by eating an egg covered in chimp saliva that had fallen to the ground in the zoo. Thrax (also known as the red death), is based on the bacterial pathogen: Bacillus anthracis, which causes anthrax ( https://www.cdc.gov/ant...