The Depth of Science in Hollow Man

By: Aimen Imtiaz

This movie isn’t as hollow when it comes to science! 


In a world where we want everything to be efficient and fast, where no one has any time to spare and there’s no place for slow, time-consuming processes, how is it that scientific researches and medical breakthroughs – including the discovery of cures for diseases and the production of vaccines, all such extremely crucial processes – take the most time?! And how is it that WE are OKAY with it?

The answer to these questions, that I have just unsettled your mind with, lies our blockbuster, super sci/fi and thriller movie, drum roll, please... HOLLOW MAN! Yep, you read it right!

Hollow Man?? Seriously??

Yes! Hollow Man, seriously! This movie, rather subtly, or even without any intention of doing so, teaches us significantly about scientific procedures and the importance of strictly following them step by step. There’s no skipping, no cheating!

Hollow Man illustrates the story of a genius scientist Sebastian Caine and his team of researchers who are working to create an invisibility serum for the U.S military, as well as a serum that will reverse the invisibility. Sebastian, however, goes rogue with his research and his know-it-all attitude and destroys not just his own life but also that of others, not just figuratively but literally. Yes, he kills people.

The team minus Sebastian 

Anyhow, this movie is not just about a genius scientist turned mad-man turned pervert. If you really pay attention to the procedures, the bickering between the team, the obstacles, and the breakthroughs of the research, you will notice a strictly followed pattern or procedure that will provide you the answer to the question posed in the beginning.

Looking for Clues!

If you remember, and here I am hoping you have watched the movie before reading this blog (Hey! I don’t want to be blamed for spoiling the movie for you later!), the movie begins with Sebastian working on a computer-based molecular model of a protein that is key to the invisibility serum. He is seen working late one night on the serum, re-configuring it so that it reverses the invisibility. That same night he experiences his breakthrough, immediately it to another lead researcher on his team. This is your first clue.

Sebastian Working on the molecular model

As the movie continues, we are shown the facility where Sebastian and his teamwork. Remember how the facility has a separate area where the test subjects, the animals, are kept. There are several caged animals in that facility, some invisible, including the dog that Sebastian so brutally kills towards the end of the movie. In addition to that, we meet Isabelle, the gorilla who is also invisible, hinting that the invisibility serum has already been tested on animals and we get to witness the second part of the experiment, the reversal when Sebastian tests the visibility serum on Isabelle. In a fortunate moment of success, the serum finally works and Isabelle is visible again! This is your second clue. 

Isabelle becoming visible

For the final clue, we see in the movie how Sebastian reports the success to the oversight committee but lies to them stating that he needs more time to finalize and confirm results. Sebastian does this so he can quickly move to human trial (in secrecy without approval) and test his serum on humans, the first candidate for which he chooses to be himself. Ultimately testing the serum on himself, he turns invisible, however, when it’s time to reverse the invisibility, the serum fails. This is the final clue.

From Sebastian to Hollow Man

Now, when we put these clues together, we find a pattern, we find science and we find the answer to our question!

Putting together clues to discover the hidden science in Hollow Man!

The key is to notice the one significant thing happening in every clue which connects or leads to the next clue. The pattern we uncover is this:

Computer-Based Molecular Model --> Animal Trial --> Human Trial

Notice how strictly this was followed. Animal trials did not start before the serum was proven to show promising results on the computer model. And even after the breakthrough with the serum on the computer-based model, it was not directly tested on humans. Sebastian was in no hurry to test the serum on himself prior to testing it on Isabelle. Wondering why is that? No? Well, you should be if you aren’t!!

The reason for a strict step by step following procedures is credited to the notion of Translational Research.

Translational research explained

But what really is translational research? Is it the translation of research findings into different languages so increased people can understand and make use of those findings? Absolutely not!

Translational research “involves moving knowledge gained from the basic sciences to its application in clinical and community settings” (“What Is Translational Research - VIICTR”). So yes, making it accessible to a larger population is the goal, but it isn’t done through literal language translation.

Translational Research

Translational research refers to applying knowledge from basic biology and clinical trials (research that identifies and evaluates the effects of new tests and treatments on humans/animals) to technique and tools (medicines, vaccines, other drugs, and proteins) that address critical medical and other relevant needs (“What Is Translational Research?”). Translation, in this step-by-step process, refers to translating results from a computer-based model into an actual tangible material that is first tested on animals. Next, the translation of this process to humans. And then, upon achieving positive and promising results, the final translation of this research into a finished product that is made accessible to a larger population.

In Hollow Man, we see this translational research when Sebastian first translates his molecular model of protein from a computer-based model to a serum. The second translation is seen when the serum is tested on Isabelle the gorilla. The final translation is seen in an all too rushed human trial of Sebastian himself. From a computer-based model to human trial:

1.  2. 3. 4.

“T-Phases” of Translational Research

Referred to as a “bench-to-bedside" and “bedside-to-community" concept, translational research comprises two main areas of translation and 4 Ts or stages that are to be followed.

The two main translations are: “one, the process of applying discoveries generated during research in the laboratory, and in preclinical trials, to the development of trials and studies in animals and humans. The second area of translation concerns research aimed at enhancing the adoption of best practices in the community” (Rubio et al.). Simply put, we’re taking our research from our computers and labs to a specific number of test subjects (animals and then humans) and finally to the larger community just like how Sebastian does in Hollow Man (although his game of “Let’s play god” and his kid-like infatuation to be the first human test subject ruined the entire process, let’s all give it up for Sebastian! Woohoo!)

Finally, the 4 Ts of this research are as follows:

T1 seeks to move basic discovery into a candidate health application.

T2 assesses the value of application for health practice leading to the development of evidence-based guidelines.

T3 attempts to move evidence-based guidelines into health practice, for example, through the delivery of the product. 

T4 seeks to evaluate the “real world” health outcomes of population health practice (“T-Phases of Translational Health Research - ITHS”).

These stages are followed in the set order strictly. If you pay attention, you’ll even realize how it does not make sense to skip a stage. This is because every stage is crucial to developing the right, effective, and safe product be it medicine or vaccine or anything else. Playing around with these stages, like Sebastian did when he rushed his own human trial, can be disastrous. We all saw how Hollow Man ended.

In Fact, thanks to Sebastian we never even got to T3, let alone T4. I mean, wouldn’t we all have loved to be invisible for a bit? Okay, no! We cannot tolerate more pervert and murderous Sebastian on the loose!

Answering the Questions

Now you see why scientific research takes that much time. And why we must be okay with the lengthy procedures (not that we have a choice ha-ha). Scientific research isn’t just thinking up a cure or a new protein, making it in the lab and dispensing it to the relevant population. It involves a lot of calculated and carefully planned steps and procedures. An example of the disaster that can result if we try to hasten these processes recklessly, can be seen with the consequences that Sebastian had to face in the movie. After testing just ONE animal with the new serum, he decides to rush his own trial (I am honestly done with such behavior. I am not a Ph.D. student or a scientist, and EVEN I know that is wrong!). Despite being the smartest guy in the room, he foolishly proceeds to the next translational step without thinking of the consequences or even the fact that one positive result cannot be conclusive. Various complications are sometimes only become visible after several animal subjects have been tested.

Hence, patience, and time is as crucial to these processes as the product that is being tested itself! Rushing into trials will only further prolong the process as now there will also mishaps to deal with coupled with starting from scratch again.

Don’t Be a Hollow Man
Be Good!

Finally, one last take-home message (other than the fact that if we pay attention, even movies can teach us a lot of science and other valuable lessons) is that NEVER EVER BE A SEBASTIAN! No matter how genius you are, never let it get to your head. Humility and careful consideration never hurt and ego and narcissism CAN potentially hurt. A lot! I mean, Sebastian died, so you can tell.


Rubio, Doris McGartland, et al. “Defining Translational Research: Implications for Training.” Academic Medicine, vol. 85, no. 3, Mar. 2010, pp. 470–75, doi:10.1097/acm.0b013e3181ccd618
“T-Phases of Translational Health Research - ITHS.” ITHS, 10 Aug. 2015,
“What Is Translational Research?” UC Davis, 28 Apr. 2017,,designed%20to%20improve%20health%20outcomes
“What Is Translational Research - VIICTR.”, 2018,
YouTube Movies. “Hollow Man.” YouTube, 31 Jan. 2014,


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