Problems of Being Invisible and How It Leads to Power Abuse.

But what if we become invisible one day, all the things we could do, we can be a superhero or a criminal mastermind, or at least that is what people would say. Other than that there is still an issue you won’t be able to interact with people or talk to anyone because who would want to talk to someone that they can’t even see? But what if there was a way to become visible again, as shown in The Hollow Man how they reversed the gorilla back to being visible but wasn’t that painful? Can you really endure all that pain just to become visible again? Even the scientist in the movie couldn’t endure all that pain and was about to die.
The process of becoming invisible…(think about it, looks painful)
The Problems with Being Invisible.
Somehow scientists do find a way to make people invisible and also visible again. But there are other issues with being invisible. First of all like in Fantastic four and in Hollow man too we would have to be completely naked.
Don’t think anyone wants to walk like that…. Unless you want to scare people
And imagine if it’s freezing outside of its raining and I don’t think you can hide in those conditions especially if it suddenly starts raining or snowing. People will easily spot you and then I don’t think you will be “Invisible” anymore. Another problem would be you really can’t take anything with you because you alone are the only one that is invisible and nothing else which means no car keys no wallets, even stealing is hard because if you grab something either people would think you are a ghost and run or just start smacking at the place the object is “levitating” because that is what people would see. Plus imagine you walking down the sidewalk you will have to dodge everyone because obviously, people won’t be able to see you would they? And what if you are crossing a road and a car hits you because they won’t slow down for something they can’t really see. Other than that, “Dust” is also a problem, yes you read it right dust. Dust sticks to the moisture on our skin, and even if you are invisible dust will still be on you, and the only reason we can’t really see the dust on our body is because of our skin color, but if we become invisible I don’t think there is any color to hide the dust is there. Apart from all those tiny problems, If being invisible becomes normal, who would want to be visible and know if you become visible thousands of invisible people can see you and the fact that anything can happen to you. According to this video [1], you won’t be able to see if you become invisible as by definition, the light would travel through or around you instead of bouncing off you so that people won’t see you, and that means the retinas in your eyes can’t catch the light either in order to create an image for your brain, thus you will be completely blind if you are invisible.
Will People Abuse Invisibility?
Well, I think they will. History has shown that whenever people have some kind of power or advantage over others, at some point they also start abusing the power. Another point to note is if you become invisible, you will be lonely as you won’t have anyone to talk to or someone who would take care of you, and that state of mind can lead to a change in behavior. [2]“Loneliness can lead to various psychiatric disorders like depression, alcohol abuse, child abuse, sleep problems, personality disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease.” Sabastian in Hollow man started losing his mind when he had to stay in the lab till the reversal was made, and how he started abusing his invisibility as well as his high IQ. Yes, I agree there is a possibility that there will be people who will use the power for the good or just not abuse its pros. People who hate human interaction can use that power to avoid anyone they want or maybe everyone. People can become invisible and focus on their work too as no one would distract a person they don’t even know if they are present in that place or not. According to a research [3]“power creates conditions that can be favorable to behaviors such as sexual harassment in the workplace. It is important to state that the link between power and negative behaviors is by no means an automatic one. What is possible is that power triggers inappropriate behaviors among those who already have a tendency to behave in a certain way.”
To conclude if somehow invisibility does become normal there are many consequences of it and that is I think the main reason why we can’t really find a way to become invisible or we just don’t have the technology right now to crack the secret. And if it becomes normal people will start abusing it fully because they won’t have to face any consequences and once you gain complete freedom a person’s personality starts changing because he starts to question themselves that “how will anyone ever catch me?” or "I won't have to face consequences."
About the author Benjamin Voyer Benjamin Voyer is a Visiting Fellow at LSE's department of Psychological and Behavioural Science, et al. “What Power Does to You – the Psychological Consequences of Power.” LSE Business Review, 16 Aug. 2021,
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