
Let’s play a little game, I want you to think back on history’s greatest massacres, by death toll (fun, I know). What springs to mind? WW1 where an approximate 16 million people died or perhaps you know WW2 was far deadlier, with the death toll around 40-50 million! What if I now told you these numbers pale in comparison to the amount of death that has been caused by pandemics in our history, the influenza pandemic (Spanish Flu) alone killed between 50-100 million people and it isn’t even the deadliest pandemic in history, no that honor belongs to something that sounds a little less ominous, the bubonic plague, affectionately known as the Black Death. It killed somewhere between 75 to 200 million people, no event in history, no war, no revolution has ever come close to these numbers. Oppenheimer the father of the atomic bomb is famously quoted as saying “for I have become death, the destroyer of worlds”, a virus while not a sentient being truly embodies these words. Now that we have given viruses a proper introduction, let’s talk about what it even is.


Well a virus is an infectious particle, Unlike bacteria it is inert which means it is not alive, all a virus is at its core, is just a piece of information and it has a singular purpose, making more of itself, it does this by worming its way into living cells and basically hijacks them into producing more of itself, the reason viruses are so dangerous is because of their ability to spread to other cells and then out into the world infecting more and more people, to make matter worse they also evolve quickly, David Quammen had a very apt description for why viruses are so potent saying “ they evolve quickly, they are unaffected by antibiotics, they can be elusive, they can be versatile, they can inflict extremely high rates of fatality, and they are fiendishly simple, at least relative to other living or quasi-living creatures,”. Once a person is infected one of three things can happen.

Ø  The virus can simply die out

Ø  The virus kills the host

Ø  The host and the virus learn to coexist


Now that we have learned viruses have the ability to spread to other cells, we have to talk about what viruses are famous for, Pandemics. Before we talk about pandemics we should first clarify the difference between epidemics and pandemics. Epidemics are simply when a disease affects a large number of people in a community, population or region. A pandemic is a larger scale of an epidemic spreading all over the world. So what gives a virus pandemic potential, well the answer can both be technical and simple, technically speaking if a virus has a RNA genome over a DNA genome it is more likely to become a pandemic but we don’t want to focus on that (blah blah science science), let’s instead talk about what everyone knows, most will know that a lot of our most famous and deadly diseases originated from animals, Smallpox, measles, Ebola, HIV (all our little superstars) came from animals, in fact around 80% of our pandemics started because of animals.

The next thing we have to consider is the R-naught, the movie explains this perfectly, how many people can a person affected with the virus potentially affect. For example, polio had an R-naught between 4 and 6, which means they would affect somewhere between 4 to 6 people, once we know the R-naught then only can we understand the scale of the pandemic.


I started this blog going through a fun little history lesson of humanities greatest death tolls, we concluded that all our wars, all the death and destruction men have caused, have not even come close to what viruses are capable of, which leads us to an important question, who does a virus affect, think back in our history, why did we have so many massacres, who did we target, how many wars or massacres can you think of where the victims were not targeted because of their race, religion, gender or even sexuality, you see these are things men would consider before deciding who to hate, who to kill, but a virus, a virus doesn’t care, it does not care who you are, what your race, gender, religion are nor does it care how much money you have, it has no biases and no moral qualms, An enemy that can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with, in that sense a virus, that results in a pandemic does become THE GREAT EQUALIZER.


History's seven deadliest plagues. (2022, October 17). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from

The bright side of the black death | American scientist. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from

What are viruses and how do they work? (2020, April 03). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from

Anthony King, King is a freelance science journalist based in Dublin, & Profile., F. (n.d.). Characteristics that give viruses pandemic potential. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from

Pandemics: Definition, prevention, and preparation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2022, from


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